Center for Tobacco and the Environment

Our mission is to prevent, reduce, and eliminate tobacco’s toxic legacy of environmental pollution and harms to human health caused by decades of commercial tobacco sales and use.

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Our Mission

The mission of the Center is to prevent, reduce, and eliminate tobacco’s toxic legacy of environmental pollution and harms to human health caused by decades of commercial tobacco sales and use.

Core Values

Research and scholarship

Pluralism, openness, and integrity

Diversity, equity, and inclusion

Innovation and sustainability

Environmental justice

Clean indoor and outdoor environments are basic human rights

Discover More

Explore our team, community partners, and resources.

Our Team

Learn more about our research and our researchers behind this work.

Community Partners

See what organizations we partner with in our work.


Find out what we’ve been working on in our current projects section.

Our Opportunities

View some of the programs we offer and see what you can do to get started on your journey to bettering our environment. Click the links to learn more.

Smartphone Project App

Join our smartphone app project to help clean up the neighborhood! Click the button to learn more and sign up.

Pilot Project Funding

The Policy Research Center for Tobacco and the Environment is now accepting applications for 2024-2025 Pilot Research Awards.

Our Commitment

The Center for Tobacco and the Environment brings together communities and researchers from a wide range of backgrounds to seek solutions to human exposure and environmental contamination created by decades of tobacco use. We are committed to contributing to policy initiatives to end commercial tobacco sales and use by 2035.

Get in touch

Want to learn more about initiatives? Reach out and get involved today!

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